SSH without password
machineA has userA
machineB has userB
We will automate the connection from A to B
On machineA
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Don't enter a passphrase
cat .ssh/
Copy the output lines
On machineB
mkdir -p .ssh
Open your favorite text editor (e.g. vi, emacs) and put the text copied on
machineA in a file called ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. If the file already exist,
just add the copied information on a new line at the end of the current file.
Save and exit your text editor.
On machineA
ssh userB@machineB
rsync with different computers
machineA has userA
machineB has userB
We will tranfer files from A to B
rsync -avz --stats -e ssh userA@machineA:/home/userA/DIR/ -e ssh userB@machineB:/home/userB/DIR/
If only one machine is remote, you can remove "-e ssh userX@machineX:"
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