AUTHOR = "Thibert-Plante, X. and Yuen, D.~A. and Vincent, A.~P.",
TITLE = "A simple spectral algorithm for
solving large-scale Poisson equation in 2D",
JOURNAL = "Computer Physics Communications",
VOLUME = "154",
NUMBER = "2",
PAGES = "89--97",
YEAR = "2003" }
AUTHOR = "Thibert-Plante, X. and Charbonneau, P.",
TITLE = "Crossover and Evolutionary Stability in the
Prisoner's Dilemma",
JOURNAL = "Evolutionary Computation",
VOLUME = "15",
NUMBER = "3",
PAGES = "321--344",
YEAR = "2007" }
AUTHOR = "Thibert-Plante, X. and Parrott, L.",
TITLE = "Prisoner's Dilemma and Clusters on Small-World Networks",
JOURNAL = "Complexity",
VOLUME = "12",
NUMBER = "5",
PAGES = "22--36",
YEAR = "2007" }
AUTHOR = "DiBattista, J.~D.~ and Feldheim, K.~A. and
Thibert-Plante, X. and Gruber, S.~H. and Hendry, A.~P.",
TITLE = "A genetic assessment of polyandry and breeding-site
fidelity in lemon sharks",
JOURNAL = "Molecular Ecology",
VOLUME = "17",
NUMBER = "14",
YEAR = "2008",
PAGES = "3337--3351"
AUTHOR = "Parrott, L. and Proulx, R. and Thibert-Plante, X.",
TITLE = "3D Metrics for the Analysis of
Spatiotemporal Data in Ecology",
JOURNAL = "Ecological Informatics",
VOLUME = "3",
NUMBER = "6",
PAGES = "343--353",
YEAR = "2008" }
AUTHOR = "Thibert-Plante, X. and Hendry, A.~P.",
TITLE = "Five questions on ecological speciation
addressed with individual-based simulations",
JOURNAL = "Journal of Evolutionary Biology",
VOLUME = "22",
NUMBER = "1",
PAGES = "109--123",
YEAR = "2009" }
AUTHOR = "Crispo, E. and DiBattista, J.~D. and Correa, C. and
Thibert-Plante, X. and McKellar, A.~E. and
Schwartz, A.~K. and Berner, D. and
De Le{\'o}n, L.~F. and Hendry, A.~P.",
TITLE = "The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in
response to anthropogenic disturbance ",
JOURNAL = "Evolutionary Ecology Research",
VOLUME = "12",
NUMBER = "1",
PAGES = "47--66",
YEAR = "2010" }
AUTHOR = "Reardon, E.~E. and Thibert-Plante, X.",
TITLE = "Optimal offspring size influenced by the interaction between dissolved oxygen and predation pressure",
JOURNAL = "Evolutionary Ecology Research",
VOLUME = "12",
NUMBER = "3",
PAGES = "377--387",
YEAR = "2010" }
AUTHOR = "Thibert-Plante, X. and Hendry, A.~P.",
TITLE = "When can ecological speciation be detected with neutral
JOURNAL = "Molecular Ecology",
VOLUME = "19",
NUMBER = "11",
PAGES = "2301--2314",
YEAR = "2010" }
AUTHOR = "Thibert-Plante, X. and Hendry, A.~P.",
TITLE = "The consequences of phenotypic plasticity for
ecological speciation ",
JOURNAL = "Journal of Evolutionary Biology",
VOLUME = "24",
NUMBER = "2",
PAGES = "326--342",
YEAR = "2011" }
AUTHOR = "Thibert-Plante, X. and Hendry, A.~P.",
TITLE = "Factors influencing progress toward
sympatric speciation",
JOURNAL = "Journal of Evolutionary Biology",
VOLUME = "24",
NUMBER = "10",
PAGES = "2186--2196",
YEAR = "2011" }
AUTHOR = "Liancourt, P. and Choler, P. and Gross, N. and Thibert-Plante, X. and Tielb{\"o}rger, K.",
TITLE = "How facilitation may interfere with ecological speciation",
JOURNAL = "International Journal of Ecology",
VOLUME = "2012",
NUMBER = "Special issue on Ecological Speciation",
PAGES = "11 pages",
YEAR = "2012" }
AUTHOR = "Thibert-Plante, X. and Gavrilets, S.",
TITLE = "Evolution of mate choice and the so called magic traits in ecological speciation",
JOURNAL = "Ecology Letters",
VOLUME = "16",
NUMBER = "8",
PAGES = "1004--1013",
YEAR = "2013" }
AUTHOR = "Nonaka, E., Svanb{\"a}ck, R. and Thibert-Plante, X. and Englund, G. and Br{\"a}nnstr{\"o}m", {\Aa}.,
TITLE = "Mechanisms by which phenotypic plasticity affects adaptive divergence and ecological speciation",
JOURNAL = "The American Naturalist",
VOLUME = "185",
NUMBER = "5",
PAGES = "E126--E143",
YEAR = "2015" }
AUTHOR = "Berner, D. and Thibert-Plante, X.",
TITLE = "How mechanisms of habitat preference evolve and promote divergence with gene flow",
JOURNAL = "Journal of Evolutionary Biology",
VOLUME = "28",
NUMBER = "9",
PAGES = "1641--1655",
YEAR = "2015" }